

When I was little I thought thirty sounded old. Now I am not sure what sounds old anymore, or maybe it is that old is starting to sound better and better. Nevertheless, I am thirty now, and we have already done some fantastic celebrating in the form of eating fresh bread, taking a nap, and opening presents that look like clouds.


  1. What a lovely idea to wrap a present as a cloud.

    Happy birthday!

  2. I think I could stomach 45 with gift wrap like that. Really so lovely.

    Happy birthday!

  3. Wishing you a most happy birthday! My 30th comes next July, and I look forward to it. :)

  4. cute. happy birthday. I turned 35 this year and i keep forgetting that i'm not 32 or 33 or 34. it's happening...where all ages become one!

  5. Happy Birthday - may your year be filled with lovliness x

  6. I still think 30 sounds old but I'm turning 30 in May and I do not think it FEELS old. Or I keep forgetting that I'm not 23. Or maybe since I don't act old I can't feel old (I may have made a snowman by myself this morning. It had to be done). I'm not sure. But take notes. I'll be coming to you for advice in 5 months.

    I'm happy for you. Happy Birthday!

  7. happy bestest birthday ever! until next year, which will be even better. whoa. that rhymed. :))
    -jocee <3

  8. Léon ( emaill:@aliceadsl.fr )November 6, 2011 at 3:43 PM

    Joyeux- Anniversaire !!!
    30 ans c'est jeune, profitez de la vie, car les années passent vite !!

  9. Happy Birthday! And welcome to your thirties :)
    I now firmly believe that age is what you make of it, and old is not attatched to any particular number, but it's more a state of mind: if you feel old, you are old. My parents and their friends are in their sixties, and just as fun and goofy as many twenty somethings I know. So here's to hoping that you never get old, but stay forever curious and seeking of fun, while growing fuller and wiser. Happy happy.

  10. happy, happy birthday! yay for 30!

  11. happy birthday beautiful!

  12. Congratulations Julie.

    Many dreams to come true, thirty is still just a beginning(to dream, to create, to travel)!

  13. Love this! What a happy birthday you must have had!

  14. happy, happy birthday, dear friend. 30 sounds just about PERFECT to me.

  15. That is quite possibly the best gift wrap I have ever seen. So in love.

  16. Now I am curious about just what treasures a cloud might hold.
