

It was our 2nd anniversary last night. Everyday I feel incredibly pleased to have married Matt-but there is something about an anniversary that makes me feel especially pleased about it. To celebrate we ate at Em's-where we had our wedding luncheon. I just can't say enough about how good that place is, even the butter is better. (I kid you not!) This was followed by some late night Harry Potter, which looking back, makes me feel like not a lot has changed.

(Our polaroid has started spitting out two pictures instead of one-so we just try to incorporate it to be more of an accent than an accident.)


  1. happy anniversary! that food looks delicious :)

  2. congrats! You guys are the greatest!

  3. + new to your blog and work.

    love this space and your videos! that asparagus salad! that beet cake!!! i'm loving it all!!

    congrats on the anniversary! love the double polaroid :)

  4. many happy returns of the day!! judging by the great things you document about your life together, you two seem to be a match made in heaven.

  5. ohhh fun! congratulations on your two years :) :) :)

    haha, love the harry potter wedding flashback!

  6. love you guys to bloggy bits and pieces. toasting you from afar!
