
little house on the cake stand

Matt and I went shopping on Friday and realized the world has started to celebrate Christmas,
like it or not.

We tried to resist, tried to scoff at the premature cheer, and then there we were buying a holiday cottage cake pan. There we were loading up our ipods with christmas music and baking to the sounds of Bing and the smells of nutmeg. At least brussels sprouts, to my knowledge, have no holiday ties.

Good thing we had the cookie to keep us grounded. Don't worry Thanksgiving-we haven't given up on you quite yet.


  1. but i can't help but listen to christmas songs right now. it's the only thing getting me through the rest of 2010.

  2. thanks for visiting my blog! that holiday cake pan looks unreal - i would pretend to be a giant, popping little cake houses into my mouth like candy ;)

  3. Wow these are nice pictures! And yes, I think Christmas forces itself on me every year!

  4. i know i cant believe its the holiday season already! i kind of hate christmas usually but i love thanksgiving <3

  5. My mouth started watering the second I saw those houses. Save me one please.

  6. That cake pan is amazing... It could get anyone in the spirit

  7. Ok, phew. Because over here in Hindu-centric Rajasthan I've had Christmas fever like CRAZY. I may or may not have download the best of A Sinatra Christmas before it was even THANKSGIVING.

  8. That cake pan is definitely at the top of my list! Also thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments. Your blog is very lovely, and I know I will be visiting frequently now :)

  9. I would like to consume those houses, very slowly and carefully. Your blog is delightful, Julie. Thanks for the comment.

  10. That first pic is making me want to eat my computer.
