
10 in 2010 - The List

visit niederbipp

read 1 book a month

sing your life

write a song and then record it

it's alive

make and or document all the things i think of

wardrobe remix

buy and wear mostly thrift clothes

harness my inner columbus

travel and discover as much of America as I can


learn a complete song of yodelling

rocky meets julia child (sans the butter, cream and all things heart attack-inducing)

exercise and eat more health conscious (and while I am at it cook more)

the hills are alive

be outside more-do more hiking and camping

a whole new world

make a movie

get my robin hood on

be a do gooder


  1. such good goals! also, i miss you! also, we moved, and bonjour upstairs doesn't connect with bonjour downstairs. :( :(

  2. please combine two goals and make the one you write and record be a yodeling song. then send it to me.
